Intercultural Competence in the Business Context
Intercultural competence is a key factor to any business success. Here some important facts:
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International company: conflict over performance appraisal
For 10 years Austrian citizen Waltraud G. has been an employee in the Vienna offices of an international company. As an experienced project manager and due to her high degree of motivation she delivers excellent and measurable results.
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Team Conflict in Down Town Vienna Store
The medium sized business in down town Vienna has been run in a personal, family atmosphere. Recently problems within the team have increased. There is an open conflict between several salespersons on the one side and the longest serving vendor Beatrix W. on the other side. The manager has tried to intervene, but without success. Finally he decides to ask for professional help through an external mediator. The team is now completely disrupted.
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Conflict in association board
A group of artists start an association with the aim of supporting creative projects. In addition various courses are being offered to the public. After a couple of years the group of founders find themselves confronted with disagreements and friction within the team. The conflict arises about the issue of courses and how they should be offered.
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Bullying: Is Mediation an Option?
Frequently – and with good reasons – mediation is doubted to be the first choice in case of bullying. Mediation is based on voluntariness and honest intention from all parties.
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State funded Family Mediation for Couples and Families in Austria
Who will pay for the children´s holiday camp including a language course? And who will pay for the retainers? How often should the child stay overnight with the other parent? Should the ex-partner`s new partner be present, when the kids come to visit?
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Acknowledgment – better than praise
We all have a natural longing for positive feedback. Actually, there could be more of it. Could it get too much? One thing is for sure: Acknowledging is better than praising. Why is this the case and how does work?
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