Conflict in association board
Initial Conflict
A group of artists start an association with the aim of supporting creative projects. In addition various courses are being offered to the public. After a couple of years the group of founders find themselves confronted with disagreements and friction within the team. The conflict arises about the issue of courses and how they should be offered.
The chairwoman sees herself restrained in her role and announces her withdrawal. This move is seen as lack of solidarity by the others. She also demands financial compensation for her extra contributions. This again causes even greater bewilderment within the rest of the team, resulting in unpleasant mutual reproaches.
Personal aspects
The mediator holds individual talks with all parties. It turns out that the challenging tasks of leading an association has been putting the yearlong friendship on ordeal. They have to acknowledge that the friendship did not outlast the professional project. This disappointment poses a burden to the work relationship.
In the course of a mediation session of 2, 5 hours the conflict history is being re-visited. In a common effort personal disappointments are being addressed. All parties acknowledge the friendship – but also its ending. The chairwoman and the other board members pay tribute to each other´s achievements. They realise that it does not make sense to reproach each other. In a collective brainstorming all parties agree on a fair solution for the withdrawal of the chairwoman.