Mediation in enterprises
Perception - Change of Perspective - Transformation
Conflicts are part of life – in business enterprises as elsewhere. Where people work together, there is communication. When things go wrong, why not take advantage of my solution-oriented business mediation?
Resolve conflicts and develop skills
In enterprises, tensions can be caused by misunderstandings, variations in culturally determined points of view or predetermined structures. This can happen anywhere, for example
- directly at the workplace and between departments
- in customer service (complaints management)
- between management and staff
With business mediation methods, you can sort out personal and emotional issues efficiently and clear up concrete issues related to working together. Swift action saves money.
Benefits of a commercial or business mediation
- Working on conflicts together, or in teams – possibility of a stand-by mediation service
- Successful building up of international cooperation projects and teams, with ongoing support
- Putting an end to mobbing or discrimination at the workplace, and detecting and dealing with latent conflicts
- Extending intercultural skills and sharpening sensitivity to diversity in the enterprise
- Reducing turnover losses caused by conflicts
- Learning to master communication tools, improving working atmosphere, and raising productivity
Management staff commonly spend up to 60 per cent of their working time dealing with conflicts among staff. One hour’s dispute causes losses amounting to 1 per cent of monthly salary per person involved. Ignored or suppressed conflicts create extra work that could be avoided. On the everyday work level they cause
- considerable burdens for staff
- loss of working time
- absences through sick leave
- reduced productivity and turnover
A prompt commercial or business mediation costs only around a tenth of the turnover losses incurred if not action is taken.
Who benefits from commercial or business mediation
- international companies and enterprises
- national and medium-size production and service enterprises, and family businesses
- (intercultural) teams, departments, and project and working groups
- apprentices and people with disabilities
In international companies, enterprises and organizations, day-to-day cooperation is often marked by problems based on intercultural matters, unformulated priority claims, and country-specific procedures.
Commercial or business mediation helps to settle conflicts or to shed light on hitherto unnoticed problems. In this process it is important to be aware of the complexity inherent in any international organization.
Internationalism and intercultural aspects play an important role in globally active enterprises, NGOs or cultural operations. The most common topics are to do with differences in:
- Styles of communication and value perceptions
- Working styles and procedures
- Approaches to hierarchical structures
The relevance of intercultural competence becomes particularly obvious in foreign operations and international collaborations and projects. And particularly when groups and individuals with different cultural backgrounds want to interact successfully.
Business mediation improves the atmosphere at work
My interventions are targeted and get processes back on track. Efficiency and good results return once again. For example, during or after:
- Conflicts between staff, in or across departments. Some typical symptoms: excessive sick leave, icy atmosphere, turf war, intrigues, expressions of frustration, social withdrawal ...
- Management handovers, fusions/mergers, restructuring, generation changes, succession discussions
- Conflicts between contractual partners, with customers/clients or apprentices, between management and the works or staff council
- Problematic topics arising from company and staff management: bonus schemes, relocations, responsiblities, space utilization, vacation schedules, overlaps in task fields
- Problems with team-building and suspicion of mobbing at the workplace
Business mediation raises productivity
Managers are realizing ever more clearly that change management is an integral part of change management. It is a sign of strength to provide one’s staff with professional assistance when conflicts arise.
The introduction of an independent third party signalizes support on the part of management and is appreciated by staff. Business mediation relieves pressure and prevents turnover losses.
Conflicts, complaints, intercultural misunderstandings and mobbing at the workplace are actually opportunities for development. Finding solutions and improving communication skills have a positive effect on overall productivity.
People with disabilities have a right to participate in life on an equal basis with others. This right is regulated by the Federal Disability Equality Act. When a disabled person is disadvantaged in comparison with a non-disabled person in a comparable situation, this is discrimination.
It can take place in public space – in infrastructure, when insurance policies are being drawn up, with regard to access to information – or at the workplace, because of unfair treatment, barriers, instructions to discriminate, or harassment.
In cases of discrimination of this kind, the Ministry of Social Affairs (Sozialministerium) is obliged to take measures to bring about a consensual settlement of the conflict of interests in accordance with § 15 of the above law and has to offer mediation conducted by an external professional.
The settlement procedure provides for the possibility of a ten-hour mediation if both parties are in agreement. The application for mediation can be made following the first session at the Sozialministerium-Service, which will bear the costs. The mediation sessions take place at the premises of the chosen mediator. I have experience in this field and will be happy to give you assistance in such cases.
Looking after young people undergoing vocational or in-company training presents a double challenge for their trainers. While trainers impart knowledge and specialist skills, they also have to support the trainees personally and as mentors.
Apprentices are often in a phase of development, maybe still looking for the right path to follow in life. Understandably, they will still lack experience in the professional sphere and on the level of social interaction. Special challenges are faced by trainers and trainees alike.
The Austrian government has recognized this special situation and has made mediation for apprentices obligatory in the case of disagreements or other problems. If consideration is being given to terminating an apprenticeship, there has to be mediation.
Further information can be found on the webseite of the AMS and on , the info page of the trade in question and its occupation information page I will be happy to offer you advice concerning mediation for apprentices.
We can only get to know the world through opposites: if you don’t know darkness, you will never be able to recognize light.
from JapanCommercial or business mediation
Initial talk with no obligations, ca. 30 minutes: no charge
Mediation session for businesses, 60 minutes, guideline price: €220 netto
Individual tarifs for a regular standby mediation service
Workshops on team-building or communication, charges dependent on work involved
I hold mediations in and around Vienna and on request throughout and outside Austria. Mediations take place at a neutral location – either at the company location or at external premises, e.g., for team-building processes.
Co-mediations for business
It has proved successful and productive to focus on the finest points of communication and when so doing to include organizational aspects. This is the kind of synergy that makes for sustainable solutions.
On request, in business mediation I can provide a solution development process in the context of a co-mediation together with experienced mediators and management consultants. In our work we take full account of organizational development aspects.
Special offers
Standby business mediation
As a manager or staff member, do you sense tensions in your team? Is there an unpleasant atmosphere? Did something embarrassing happen? Is someone not getting the credit they deserve? Was a certain problem really ‘just a misunderstanding’?
Standby business mediation is a special arrangement made by management for the benefit of staff. It helps those concerned to overcome fear of the unknown. After all, it it is often difficult to realize how helpful a clarifying discussion would be. Many questions may be on your mind:
- What is the other party thinking or feeling?
- How can I express my wish or concern within the company? How will it be interpreted by management?
- Is now the right time? Or is it too early? Or perhaps already too late?
- Do we really need a “dispute settlement”? Or are the problems actually structural?
In standby business mediation, the mediator is available at the company location at regular pre-arranged times. Staff members are informed and can sign up for mediation, to talk about a conflict, or to receive counselling. All strictly confidential, of course.
This kind of business mediation is a way of dealing with team conflicts in advance, before they escalate or develop into mobbing. With my professional assistance, emerging topics can be dealt with at an early stage. Without any further administrative or personal complications. Standy mediation can easily be integrated into the everyday routine.
It enables you to avoid potentially costly friction and promotes wellbeing and readiness to cooperate amongst your staff. Your benefits:
- Conflicts are solved in good time and thus at low cost.
- All-in mediation charge fixed in advance – no hidden extras!
At your request I can arrange for cooperation with my network partners from EAP.
What is Positive Leadership, what is Perma Lead®?
Positive leadership is a management approach that has been proven to have a positive impact on
- employees
- the success of the company
- the manager him/herself
Five distinct leadership behaviour anchors are defined by the PERMA-Lead® model:

Win-Win Situation
Positive Leadership
- aims at the manager actively creating a working atmosphere, which promotes the development of the employees potential
- recognizes and utilizes the individual strengths of the employees instead of focusing on weaknesses.
This results in a Win-Win situation: the company benefits as well as managers and employees.
Measurable Impact
The PERMA-Lead® model, which describes concrete positive leadership behavior, is scientifically based and was developed by Dr. Markus Ebner. Numerous studies demonstrate the positive effect of this leadership style.
My offer
PERMA-LEAD® Profiler: evaluate self & external image in relation to all five PERMA-Lead® factors as well as the corresponding expectations of a good manager
PERMA-LEAD® 360°-Feedback: detailed feedback on several areas of your leadership behavior, your management skills and optionally your career-promoting behavior. Compare your self-perception with the external image. Based on the results, you will find indications as to which areas you should specifically retain and which you can further develop.
PERMA-LEAD®Company Profile: employees receive feedback from colleagues, employees and supervisors during a period of observation. These questionnaires will be analysed regarding self image and external image.
This capability analysis enables the tester to determine the current actual state of your company and thus develop tailor-made interventions for human resource development and measure their concrete effects.
The procedure meets the test theoretical quality criteria defined as the standard for psychological testing procedures. Numerous studies demonstrate the effect of this management style.
Online coaching for dealing with conflicts in written communications
When conflicts have to be settled in writing, I can help you compose the necessary letters or e-mails. I can show you constructive and professional ways to
- get down to brass tacks and talk about the matter in hand
- clear up misunderstandings
- turn offers down
- respond to complaints
- ... and so on ...
The procedure is very simple: send me the communication to which you want to write an answer. Or describe the problem that has to be focused on in the letter/mail. I’ll send you a draft text as soon as I possibly can.
Guideline price: €20 per 15 minutes of writing coaching, or by agreement.