Mediation in the creative professions and civil society
Perception - Change of Perspective - Transformation
People in creative occupations bring an especially high degree of emotional commitment to their work. This is also true of those who do voluntary work for charities and the staff and volunteers of NGOs.
Creating the ideal conditions
Creative processes and work in NGOs or charities are often associated with dedication and identification. Frequently, important work is done in intercultural teams or groups that require special attention to the issue of communication. If conflicts occur, it makes sense to use mediation to resolve them.
Benefits of conflict management in creative occupations and civil society
- Resolving tensions between people who work together
- Clarification of working conditions, personal responsibilities, and procedures
- Constructive handling of cases of disagreement with sponsors or partner organizations, or between pupils/students and teachers
- Improved social interaction through development of social skills
- Building up skills and know-how in the fields of conversation technique and orientation towards target groups
People working in creative and social professions usually demand the most of themselves: included are creative minds and those engaged in the cultural sector, artists, doctors, nursing staff, employees of universities, scientific institutions and members of scientific teams. The same applies to people working in NGOs and employees of associations (“Vereine”).
Financial remuneration is frequently lower than in the private sector. So timely conflict management can restore motivation and a productive working environment. At the same time structures and circumstances can be analysed.
- Cultural institutions
- Pedagogical institutions
- Hospitals
- Universities and research institutions
- NGOs and associations
Creative and performing artists often come from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds. They mostly work with a high level of emotional commitment. While tensions are a natural part of the creative process, they can also be detrimental to the achievement of the artistic goal.
If they are to work productively, creative individuals require emotional security and a high degree of sensitivity on the part of their colleagues.
When disagreements arise, it is thus all the more important to seek assistance.
This can be the case in following areas:
- Coordination in the area of artistic implementation and cooperation
- When artistic progress is blocked by communication problems
- Contractual disagreements
- Legal questions (employment, insurance, conditions of work, insurance, staff committee)
- Conflicts due to financial bottlenecks
Mediation or teambuilding can help to restore the positive working atmosphere that is so vital to fruitful collaboration in the arts.
Far too often children, youth or young adults are being left alone when it comes to questions of behaviour within a community or in case of conflict, e.g. in nursery schools, schools or colleges/universities. The consequences can be severe: for those affected as well as for the whole institution. I provide support as a mediator in case of conflict or tension
- among children /youth/students
- among staff and teachers
- between teachers and students
The earlier conflict or tensions can be identified and attended to, the more likely a long term solution benefitting all parties can be found.
Through professional conflict management it is possible to effectively deal with the dangers of mobbing and violence.
Appreciative communication is required in all parts of society. It is a crucial skill of our time.
Doctors, nurses and administrative personnel carry one of society´s most important responsibilities: they care for our physical and psychological wellbeing. Professional challenges can produce physical and psychological stress. There is a danger of exposing oneself to excessive demands. Naturally such circumstances are prone to conflict and misunderstandings. Even between doctors and patients. This is where my offer comes in.
Frequently lack of time on the side of hospital personnel meets the strain of suffering on the side of patients. Research shows a direct link between successful communication and the process of healing.
Small interventions such as practicing active listening or other short-term professional support can help to initiate great change. This can provide relief to all parties.
Through active conflict management you can change things to the better in terms of communication. This does not require more time, but changes the quality of the interactions.
People who engage themselves in the areas of research and science get under immense pressure.
Ambitious goals meet limited resources. This leads to additional challenges.
Administrative aspects and management sometimes don´t have the same priority as intellectual work. This can lead to frictional loss and tensions. Relaxed communication and social interaction contribute immensely to scientific success at universities and scientific institutes.
Conflicts arise in scientific teams, between team leaders and team members, between scientific departments/supervisors and employees. Through training and professional mediation service it is possible to keep up productive co-operation in your institutional entity.
Conflicts bind energy. In the areas of charitable, social and voluntary engagement, from time to time it is particularly important to focus on communication. It releases energy for productive work. Building know-how in the area of communication improves:
- working relations
- efficiency at reaching goals
- conversational skills, e.g. for counsellors
- lobbying for the members of the association
It has positive effects on the development of strategies and teambuilding to acquire more competence in mediative behaviour in a professional context. Focussing on the quality of relationships has a positive effect on the working environment and job satisfaction.
I offer conflict management for the charitable and social sector. Make use of my longstanding experience as an employee in this field – for your NGO or association.
Somewhere beyond right and wrong is a garden. I will meet you there.
Dschlalad-ed-din RumiCo-operations for business mediation
It has proven successful to put one´s main focus on the establishment of communicative soft skills. In the area of creative and social professions I co-operate with “Interessensvertretung Gemeinnütziger Organisationen (IGO)” (Lobby for NGOs).
For business mediations and mediations in a professional context, I cooperate with „Trialogis“ (Business Mediation and Organisational Development), the EAP-Institute, as well as with Mag. Johannes Gotsmy (
Conflict Management in Vienna and surroundings
Free preliminary talks, 30 minutes, no obligations
Mediation sessions for the arts and cultural institutions, NGOs, associations, hospitals, research institutes and pedagogical institutions: to be individually arranged
Teambuilding Workshops or Communication Training according to time investment.
Mediation in a business context ideally takes place at a neutral location – either at your institutional site or at external premises, e.g. for team building workshops and seminars